Talks about the severe damage that has been done and the lives that were lost. Makes a point to say that the attack was premeditated. Same “we won’t stand for being attacked like this” type of appeal.
Environment similar to that after 9/11. Clearly an emotional appeal after entire country was shocked and angry. Offers details of events and news of other Japanese attacks. Was in the middle of his 4 th term in office so he was obviously well loved. Being the President, FDR was obviously seen as a credible source. Thesis: FDR’s use of both pathetical and logical proofs was extremely effective in spurring America to declare war on the Japanese Empire. Specifically targeted members of Congress, but written to be also televised to entire country. Objective of speech was to urge Congress to declare war on Japan. Country was still in shock after hearing the news (similar to 9/11). Given the day after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was this that brought America into World War Two and solidified America’s status as the premier world superpower for the next half-century.
FDR’s speech after Pearl Harbor is one of the most recognizable and significant speeches in American history. The bombing of Pearl Harbor is an event that no one can forget and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s speech in response to this horrific attack is just as significant. “December 7 th 1941- A date that will live in infamy.” This sentence is one that is forever ingrained in the minds of every well-educated American.